So when was Windows Vista unleashed? January 2007 right? Well, it'll be 2 years in a few months, and yet, this is still THE 2ND WORST version of Windows I have ever used. Not because it crashes (it's very stable), or because I hate Mikrosoft (spelling error intended). It's because of one simple thing: Performance.
I know how this operating system works, and it's depressing what Microsoft has done to people, making them think this is the best version of Windows yet. I put on my blogger blog about a year or so ago a review for Windows Vista, grading it a C-, saying "it's neither a step forward, or a step backward, or maybe it's both." At that time I wasn't very convinced that Windows Vista was the 2nd worst version of Windows out there, but that's only because this operating system has the power to subdue you because of the way it looks.
It's gorgeous! And honestly, that's probably the only reason people are upgrading. They are not taking into account that Windows Vista uses something called "Superfetch" (which in my opinion, is superghey), and it stores stuff you use frequently into memory so it's loaded much faster. Sounds easy, right? Well, even if you have 2GB of memory, you're memory is eaten alive. Plus, there's no way to turn "Superfetch" off and that's "Superannoying", as well as Windows Vista's new visual theme.
Wait, didn't I say Windows Vista's new visual theme was gorgeous? Well, yeah, but beauty is a curse on the world. The glass theme puts a giant dent in your graphics performance, due to something called "Desktop Composition" which basically captures frame by frame of every window you have open, so you can see a preview of it when hovering over the task in the taskbar. It's convenient, yes, but looks can kill.
Furthermore, is driver incompatibility. What the hell is wrong with Microsoft? Every time they release a new version of their Windows Operating System, drivers keep losing support. This doesn't happen (if so, very seldom) with Linux. You can blame the software/hardware manufatures if you want, but they shouldn't have to update drivers each time Microsoft releases a new version of Windows, Microsoft should make it easy for users to use the hardware/software just as they did on the previous version of Windows.
But I've had so many problems with drivers being unsupported in Vista when they worked beautifully under XP. There's even some that were only made for XP that are no longer supported in Vista, which is uber sad. A installed Vista on my dad's desktop he purchased in 2002, and his video card and sound card were not supported. I expected the video card to have some issues, but the sound card? Jesus christ. It's a sound card, all you do is hear sound through it, it's that simple. It's like this huge scheme that Microsoft is trying to make us buy new shit, and yet we already payed as much as $400 for their new opearting system. It's bullshit.
Plus, is the indexing, for searching of course, which can be turned off, as with all version of Windows so far. Then there is that annoying UAC shit, which can be disabled as well, but you gotta reboot, and sometimes, rebooting is the last thing you want to do, depending on what you are doing. Even with UAC disabled, you'll have trouble with "Permissions". I installed a piece of software on Vista, and I was not very impressed by it, so I went to uninstall, and when it wouldn't uninstall I decided that I would clean it out the hard way, only to find out that I had to be the administrator to delete the folder. So I ran "cmd.exe" as administrator, and tried doing the old fashion "del" command on the folder, and it didn't work, I even ran explorer as administrator and it didn't work. I had to reboot the system into safe mode just to get rid of it.
Combine all of the problems I have mentioned above, and you have a vomitorium of an operating system known as Windows Vista, a version a Windows that would be the worst, had Windows ME not existed. This is the Paris Hilton of operating systems, it's very great looking, but it can't do shit. Especially that graphics thing, and if you are a gamer like me, you'll hate it even more. Especially to the graphic designers as well, who need to use all the RAM provided to them. If you're both a gamer and a graphic designer, then you may just want to murder Bill Gates in cold blood.
SP1 also improves on nothing. There, finally, I said something about SP1. Who cares what SP1 has to offer if Vista is still running like shit in general? I know people who waited a long time for SP1 and expected just this great and amazing thing to happen, but it was just more of the same old thing.
Let's face it: Windows Vista is a knockout for stay-at-home mothers.
But on the whole: Windows Vista is an example of how you can take Windows XP, the best Windows ever, behind a shed, and shoot it. And while it's still alive and kicking, let's admit it, it's a vegetable.
I give Windows Vista SP1 a D-.
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