Excellent news for those of you who are absolutely upset with the portal spam and the idiots posting it. If it hasn't been made obvious by now, all of the submissions AND accounts (and I mean ALL) belonging to the FFF crew, have been removed from NG. This explains why my blam points went up significantly today, because once a movie is deleted, regardless of its score, it is considered a "blam".
This is great for everyone that voted 0 on their spam submissions, because if you have done so, you have probably just received more voting power!
There's no doubt in my mind the FFF crew will try to stage a comeback. They probably will no longer tag their submission titles with [FFF] anymore, so check out as many new recent submissions as you can, and watch out for the mentions of FFF in the descriptions, and remember, vote accordingly!
Now, I'm going to break out the most expensive champagne I can! Who wants some?
Edit: A picture of the Obituaries page that is EPIC. (Pictured at the end of the news post)
Edit 2: Wade, The site's administrator, with commentary. As well, the FFF have already made a comeback. I also saw 2 submissions with movie clips well over 2 or 3 minutes in them from Anchorman and Orgazmo. I believe they have been flagged for administrative review, however, I'm not entirely sure. I see 2 others blammed before they could pass judgment, it seems. Either it's that or people are seeing the FFF movies and voting like mad.
Edit 3: The crew tried making a comeback last night with a new crew called RPG. They uploaded copyrighted movie clips embed into flash movies onto the portal. As of the past 20 minutes (This edit is 01/19/08 10:45A.M. EST), the flash movies on that RPG account and the account itself have been deleted. Now spam submissions is one thing, but uploading copyrighted shit to the portal that belongs to major movie studios is totally another. I'm glad this was taken care of before it did any real damage, this could of had some catastrophic effects.
They'll be back, but for now, i'll gladly celebrate with you.